According to harvard translation agency mainland branch understanding, China national language translation groups ended March 5th have received National People's Congress, 25 million copies of documents and more than words, Mongolian, Tibetan, dimension, ha, Korean, yi, zhuang seven languages aggregate 175 million remaining word. At present, has completed the government work report, "1025" program, project report, the budget report meeting main gear translation and printing work to ensure the national documents and han document synchronous provide minority National People's Congress. The standing committee work report, GaoJian report, causing such documents as initial turn report has been basically is complete, and according to the amended final revision authorized. In addition, according to requirements to news group provides Korean version government work report. In the opening meeting, organized seven ethnic minority languages of simultaneous interpretation. According to the conference secretariat stipulated time, ask the central people's broadcasting station and national regions news unit provides conference main profile's national text translation, and to ensure the national regions news media with seven ethnic minority language synchronous report at the opening of the world.According to the conference secretariat leading comrades instructions for high quality on time, complete the translation work, ethnic Chinese translation group adopted various measures: one is vigorously promotes the translation quality, requested translation work scrupulous and ZiZhenGouZhuo, strive to faithful to the original text, accurately reflect original intention, Second emphasizing translation, printing work the timeliness, strictly control the schedule, ensure national document with Chinese file synchronization, Thethirdfocusis on secrecy work, centralized management, strengthen the translators mobile phone to conferee computer photocopiers of equipment such as technical inspection of the failure and the leaking dense prevention.In the next work, the national language translation groups will be strictly according to the conference secretariat, at the request of the rigorous work attitude, do your best, serious and responsible, not to complete all the assembly file slack of translation, printing and the simultaneous interpretation task.The above information provided by the following units reprinted:Xiamen xintiandi translation netsHarvard translation agencyFive sisters translation agency
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