Whether 1991 gulf war, the war in Afghanistan in 2001, or of the Iraqi war in 2003, of modern war, "the first shot" is often from shop online 2011aircraft carrier formation began. Modern aircraft carrier is not only the core of naval fleet and the most important strike force, but also a symbol of national comprehensive national strength. So, carrier really never invincible?Current post in the United States army war college John palmer tulameen, in the U.S. naval war college journal published titled "sea fortress - the carrier invincible myth" article points out, even the most advanced large nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, in certain circumstances may have also like "slow moving targets" as fragile.The article points out that the theoretically analyzed, smart enough rival still can from the aircraft carrier of fortifications unearthingpower balancesome loopholes and use them, such as: carrier in high-speed motor process cannot ensure carrier-borne machine continuous action, and especially at night, In the low level of combat readiness, carrier armored hangar door are often open, Carriers to ensure information circulation and equipped with network nodes, can also be against the object.If mastered these weaknesses, again complementary with have certain combat effectiveness of the conventional weapons, potential rival entirely possible to military aircraft carrier causes serious threat. Here the so-called power balanceconventional weapons, including cruise missiles, quiet submarine and intelligent mine was recently media storm of anti-ship ballistic missile certainly also among them.In order to more vividly illustrate this point, palmer tulameen conceived for aircraft carrier "asymmetric tactics" : in a night landing aircraft cannot, a small group of militants driving invisible speedboat close from the escort forces aircraft carrier, forcibly boarding ships in aviation facilities rapidly after install bombs. JianYuan passes reaction, carrier-borne machine has lost half. Adversaries pie commando occupied a large cargo ship, while American aircraft carrier through the Suez Canal when power balancesailing hit. The latter dodge inferior, hull damaged lead to speed per hour fell to below 10 nm, carrier-borne machine can't normally off. A BiShiJiXu extremist organisations, using the speedboat also hit much ship's relatively weak U.S. logistics supply ship. Unable to timely getting food, drinking water and other materials, carriers of fighting after weeks greatly reduced.
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